API Reference >> skvideo.io.vread
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skvideo.io.vread(fname, height=0, width=0, num_frames=0, as_grey=False, inputdict=None, outputdict=None, backend='ffmpeg', verbosity=0)[source]

Load a video from file entirely into memory.


fname : string

Video file name, e.g. bickbuckbunny.mp4

height : int

Set the source video height used for decoding. Useful for raw inputs when video header does not exist.

width : int

Set the source video width used for decoding. Useful for raw inputs when video header does not exist.

num_frames : int

Only read the first num_frames number of frames from video. Setting num_frames to small numbers can significantly speed up video loading times.

as_grey : bool

If true, only load the luminance channel of the input video.

inputdict : dict

Input dictionary parameters, i.e. how to interpret the input file.

outputdict : dict

Output dictionary parameters, i.e. how to encode the data when sending back to the python process.

backend : string

Program to use for handling video data. Only ‘ffmpeg’ and ‘libav’ are supported at this time.

verbosity : int

Setting to 0 (default) disables all debugging output. Setting to 1 enables all debugging output. Useful to see if the backend is behaving properly.


vid_array : ndarray

ndarray of dimension (T, M, N, C), where T is the number of frames, M is the height, N is width, and C is depth.