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import numpy as np

from .avconv import LibAVReader
from .avconv import LibAVWriter
from .ffmpeg import FFmpegReader
from .ffmpeg import FFmpegWriter
from .. import _HAS_AVCONV
from .. import _HAS_FFMPEG
from ..utils import *

[docs]def vwrite(fname, videodata, inputdict=None, outputdict=None, backend='ffmpeg', verbosity=0): """Save a video to file entirely from memory. Parameters ---------- fname : string Video file name. videodata : ndarray ndarray of dimension (T, M, N, C), (T, M, N), (M, N, C), or (M, N), where T is the number of frames, M is the height, N is width, and C is number of channels. inputdict : dict Input dictionary parameters, i.e. how to interpret the piped datastream coming from python to the subprocess. outputdict : dict Output dictionary parameters, i.e. how to encode the data to disk. backend : string Program to use for handling video data. Only 'ffmpeg' and 'libav' are supported at this time. verbosity : int Setting to 0 (default) disables all debugging output. Setting to 1 enables all debugging output. Useful to see if the backend is behaving properly. Returns ------- none """ if not inputdict: inputdict = {} if not outputdict: outputdict = {} videodata = vshape(videodata) # check that the appropriate videodata size was passed T, M, N, C = videodata.shape if backend == "ffmpeg": # check if FFMPEG exists in the path assert _HAS_FFMPEG, "Cannot find installation of real FFmpeg (which comes with ffprobe)." writer = FFmpegWriter(fname, inputdict=inputdict, outputdict=outputdict, verbosity=verbosity) for t in range(T): writer.writeFrame(videodata[t]) writer.close() elif backend == "libav": # check if FFMPEG exists in the path assert _HAS_AVCONV, "Cannot find installation of libav." writer = LibAVWriter(fname, inputdict=inputdict, outputdict=outputdict, verbosity=verbosity) for t in range(T): writer.writeFrame(videodata[t]) writer.close() else: raise NotImplemented
[docs]def vread(fname, height=0, width=0, num_frames=0, as_grey=False, inputdict=None, outputdict=None, backend='ffmpeg', verbosity=0): """Load a video from file entirely into memory. Parameters ---------- fname : string Video file name, e.g. ``bickbuckbunny.mp4`` height : int Set the source video height used for decoding. Useful for raw inputs when video header does not exist. width : int Set the source video width used for decoding. Useful for raw inputs when video header does not exist. num_frames : int Only read the first `num_frames` number of frames from video. Setting `num_frames` to small numbers can significantly speed up video loading times. as_grey : bool If true, only load the luminance channel of the input video. inputdict : dict Input dictionary parameters, i.e. how to interpret the input file. outputdict : dict Output dictionary parameters, i.e. how to encode the data when sending back to the python process. backend : string Program to use for handling video data. Only 'ffmpeg' and 'libav' are supported at this time. verbosity : int Setting to 0 (default) disables all debugging output. Setting to 1 enables all debugging output. Useful to see if the backend is behaving properly. Returns ------- vid_array : ndarray ndarray of dimension (T, M, N, C), where T is the number of frames, M is the height, N is width, and C is depth. """ if not inputdict: inputdict = {} if not outputdict: outputdict = {} if backend == "ffmpeg": # check if FFMPEG exists in the path assert _HAS_FFMPEG, "Cannot find installation of real FFmpeg (which comes with ffprobe)." if ((height != 0) and (width != 0)): inputdict['-s'] = str(width) + 'x' + str(height) if num_frames != 0: outputdict['-vframes'] = str(num_frames) if as_grey: outputdict['-pix_fmt'] = 'gray' reader = FFmpegReader(fname, inputdict=inputdict, outputdict=outputdict, verbosity=verbosity) T, M, N, C = reader.getShape() videodata = np.empty((T, M, N, C), dtype=reader.dtype) for idx, frame in enumerate(reader.nextFrame()): videodata[idx, :, :, :] = frame if as_grey: videodata = vshape(videodata[:, :, :, 0]) reader.close() return videodata elif backend == "libav": # check if FFMPEG exists in the path assert _HAS_AVCONV, "Cannot find installation of libav." if ((height != 0) and (width != 0)): inputdict['-s'] = str(width) + 'x' + str(height) if num_frames != 0: outputdict['-vframes'] = str(num_frames) reader = LibAVReader(fname, inputdict=inputdict, outputdict=outputdict, verbosity=verbosity) T, M, N, C = reader.getShape() videodata = np.empty((T, M, N, C), dtype=reader.dtype) for idx, frame in enumerate(reader.nextFrame()): videodata[idx, :, :, :] = frame reader.close() return videodata else: raise NotImplemented
[docs]def vreader(fname, height=0, width=0, num_frames=0, as_grey=False, inputdict=None, outputdict=None, backend='ffmpeg', verbosity=0): """Load a video through the use of a generator. Parameters ---------- fname : string Video file name, e.g. ``bickbuckbunny.mp4`` height : int Set the source video height used for decoding. Useful for raw inputs when video header does not exist. width : int Set the source video width used for decoding. Useful for raw inputs when video header does not exist. num_frames : int Only read the first `num_frames` number of frames from video. Setting `num_frames` to small numbers can significantly speed up video loading times. as_grey : bool If true, only load the luminance channel of the input video. inputdict : dict Input dictionary parameters, i.e. how to interpret the input file. outputdict : dict Output dictionary parameters, i.e. how to encode the data between backend and python. backend : string Program to use for handling video data. Only 'ffmpeg' and 'libav' are supported at this time. verbosity : int Setting to 0 (default) disables all debugging output. Setting to 1 enables all debugging output. Useful to see if the backend is behaving properly. Returns ------- vid_gen : generator returns ndarrays, shape (M, N, C) where M is frame height, N is frame width, and C is number of channels per pixel ---------------- plugin_args : keywords Passed to the given plugin. """ if not inputdict: inputdict = {} if not outputdict: outputdict = {} if backend == "ffmpeg": # check if FFMPEG exists in the path assert _HAS_FFMPEG, "Cannot find installation of ffmpeg." if ((height != 0) and (width != 0)): inputdict['-s'] = str(width) + 'x' + str(height) if num_frames != 0: outputdict['-vframes'] = str(num_frames) if as_grey: outputdict['-pix_fmt'] = 'gray' reader = FFmpegReader(fname, inputdict=inputdict, outputdict=outputdict, verbosity=verbosity) try: for frame in reader.nextFrame(): if as_grey: yield vshape(frame[:, :, 0]) else: yield frame finally: reader.close() elif backend == "libav": # check if FFMPEG exists in the path assert _HAS_AVCONV, "Cannot find installation of libav." if ((height != 0) and (width != 0)): inputdict['-s'] = str(width) + 'x' + str(height) if num_frames != 0: outputdict['-vframes'] = str(num_frames) reader = LibAVReader(fname, inputdict=inputdict, outputdict=outputdict, verbosity=verbosity) try: for frame in reader.nextFrame(): yield frame finally: reader.close() else: raise NotImplemented