import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.stats
from ..utils import *
def gauss_window_full(lw, sigma):
sd = np.float32(sigma)
lw = int(lw)
weights = [0.0] * (lw)
sd *= sd
center = (lw-1)/2.0
for ii in range(lw):
x = ii - center
tmp = np.exp(-0.5 * np.float32(x * x) / sd)
weights[ii] = tmp
weights /= np.sum(weights)
return weights
[docs]def viideo_score(videoData, blocksize=(18, 18), blockoverlap=(8, 8), filterlength=7):
"""Computes VIIDEO score. [#f1]_ [#f2]_
Since this is a referenceless quality algorithm, only 1 video is needed. This function
provides the score computed by the algorithm.
videoData : ndarray
Reference video, ndarray of dimension (T, M, N, C), (T, M, N), (M, N, C), or (M, N),
where T is the number of frames, M is the height, N is width,
and C is number of channels.
blocksize : tuple (2,)
blockoverlap: tuple (2,)
score : ndarray
The video quality score
.. [#f1] A. Mittal, M. A. Saad and A. C. Bovik, "VIIDEO Software Release", URL:, 2014.
.. [#f2] A. Mittal, M. A. Saad and A. C. Bovik, "A 'Completely Blind' Video Integrity Oracle", submitted to IEEE Transactions in Image Processing, 2014.
features = viideo_features(videoData, blocksize=blocksize, blockoverlap=blockoverlap, filterlength=filterlength)
features = features.reshape(features.shape[0], -1, features.shape[3])
n_len, n_blocks, n_feats = features.shape
n_len -= 1
gap = n_len/10
step_size = np.round(gap/2.0)
if step_size < 1:
step_size = 1
scores = []
for itr in range(0,,
f1_cum = []
f2_cum = []
for itr_param in range(itr,, n_len)))):
low_Fr1 = features[itr_param, :, 2:14]
low_Fr2 = features[itr_param+1, :, 2:14]
high_Fr1 = features[itr_param, :, 16:]
high_Fr2 = features[itr_param+1, :, 16:]
vec1 = np.abs(low_Fr1 - low_Fr2)
vec2 = np.abs(high_Fr1- high_Fr2)
if len(f1_cum) == 0:
f1_cum = vec1
f2_cum = vec2
f1_cum = np.vstack((f1_cum, vec1))
f2_cum = np.vstack((f2_cum, vec2))
if len(f1_cum) > 0:
A = np.zeros((f1_cum.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(f1_cum.shape[1]):
if (np.sum(np.abs(f1_cum[:, i])) != 0) & (np.sum(np.abs(f2_cum[:, i])) != 0):
A[i] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(f1_cum[:, i], f2_cum[:, i])[0]
change_score = np.abs(scores - np.roll(scores, 1))
return np.mean(change_score) + np.mean(scores)
[docs]def viideo_features(videoData, blocksize=(18, 18), blockoverlap=(8, 8), filterlength=7):
"""Computes VIIDEO features. [#f1]_ [#f2]_
Since this is a referenceless quality algorithm, only 1 video is needed. This function
provides the raw features used by the algorithm.
videoData : ndarray
Reference video, ndarray of dimension (T, M, N, C), (T, M, N), (M, N, C), or (M, N),
where T is the number of frames, M is the height, N is width,
and C is number of channels.
blocksize : tuple (2,)
blockoverlap: tuple (2,)
features : ndarray
The individual features of the algorithm.
.. [#f1] A. Mittal, M. A. Saad and A. C. Bovik, "VIIDEO Software Release", URL:, 2014.
.. [#f2] A. Mittal, M. A. Saad and A. C. Bovik, "A 'Completely Blind' Video Integrity Oracle", submitted to IEEE Transactions in Image Processing, 2014.
videoData = vshape(videoData)
T, M, N, C = videoData.shape
assert C == 1, "viideo called with video having %d channels. Please supply only the luminance channel." % (C,)
hf = gauss_window_full(filterlength, filterlength/6.0)
blockstrideY = blocksize[0]# - blockoverlap[0]
blockstrideX = blocksize[1]# - blockoverlap[1]
Mn =[0])/np.float32(blocksize[0])))
Nn =[1])/np.float32(blocksize[1])))
# compute every 2 frames
features = np.zeros((, Mn, Nn, 28), dtype=np.float32)
for k in range(
frame1 = videoData[k*2, :, :, 0].astype(np.float32)
frame2 = videoData[k*2+1, :, :, 0].astype(np.float32)
diff = frame1 - frame2
for itr in range(0, 2):
mscn,_,mu= compute_image_mscn_transform(diff, avg_window=hf, extend_mode='nearest')
h, v, d1, d2 = paired_product(mscn)
top_pad = blockoverlap[0]
left_pad = blockoverlap[1]
leftover = M % blocksize[0]
bot_pad = 0
if (leftover > 0):
bot_pad = blockoverlap[0] + blocksize[0] - leftover
leftover = N % blocksize[1]
right_pad = 0
if (leftover > 0):
right_pad = blockoverlap[1] + blocksize[1] - leftover
# pad arrays
mscn = np.pad(mscn, ((top_pad, bot_pad), (left_pad, right_pad)), mode='constant')
h = np.pad(h, ((top_pad, bot_pad), (left_pad, right_pad)), mode='constant')
v = np.pad(v, ((top_pad, bot_pad), (left_pad, right_pad)), mode='constant')
d1 = np.pad(d1, ((top_pad, bot_pad), (left_pad, right_pad)), mode='constant')
d2 = np.pad(d2, ((top_pad, bot_pad), (left_pad, right_pad)), mode='constant')
blockheight = blocksize[0] + blockoverlap[0]*2
blockwidth = blocksize[1] + blockoverlap[1]*2
for j in range(Nn):
for i in range(Mn):
yp = i*blocksize[0]
xp = j*blocksize[1]
patch = mscn[yp:yp+blockheight, xp:xp+blockwidth].copy()
ph = h[yp:yp+blockheight, xp:xp+blockwidth].copy()
pv = v[yp:yp+blockheight, xp:xp+blockwidth].copy()
pd1 = d1[yp:yp+blockheight, xp:xp+blockwidth].copy()
pd2 = d2[yp:yp+blockheight, xp:xp+blockwidth].copy()
shape, _, bl, br, _, _ = aggd_features(patch)
shapeh, _, blh, brh, _, _ = aggd_features(ph)
shapev, _, blv, brv, _, _ = aggd_features(pv)
shaped1, _, bld1, brd1, _, _ = aggd_features(pd1)
shaped2, _, bld2, brd2, _, _ = aggd_features(pd2)
features[k, i, j, itr*14:(itr+1)*14] = np.array([
shape, (bl + br)/2.0,
shapev, blv, brv,
shapeh, blh, brh,
shaped1, bld1, brd1,
shaped2, bld2, brd2,
diff = mu
return features