from os.path import dirname
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.misc
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.stats
from ..motion import blockMotion
from ..utils import *
def motion_feature_extraction(frames):
# setup
frames = frames.astype(np.float32)
h = gen_gauss_window(2, 0.5)
# step 1: motion vector calculation
motion_vectors = blockMotion(frames, method='N3SS', mbSize=mblock,*mblock))
motion_vectors = motion_vectors.astype(np.float32)
# step 2: compute coherency
Eigens = np.zeros((motion_vectors.shape[0], motion_vectors.shape[1], motion_vectors.shape[2], 2), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(motion_vectors.shape[0]):
motion_frame = motion_vectors[i]
upper_left = np.zeros_like(motion_frame[:, :, 0])
lower_right= np.zeros_like(motion_frame[:, :, 0])
off_diag = np.zeros_like(motion_frame[:, :, 0])
scipy.ndimage.correlate1d(motion_frame[:, :, 0]**2, h, 0, upper_left, mode='reflect')
scipy.ndimage.correlate1d(upper_left, h, 1, upper_left, mode='reflect')
scipy.ndimage.correlate1d(motion_frame[:, :, 1]**2, h, 0, lower_right, mode='reflect')
scipy.ndimage.correlate1d(lower_right, h, 1, lower_right, mode='reflect')
scipy.ndimage.correlate1d(motion_frame[:, :, 1]*motion_frame[:, :, 0], h, 0, off_diag, mode='reflect')
scipy.ndimage.correlate1d(off_diag, h, 1, off_diag, mode='reflect')
for y in range(motion_vectors.shape[1]):
for x in range(motion_vectors.shape[2]):
mat = np.array([
[upper_left[y, x], off_diag[y, x]],
[off_diag[y, x], lower_right[y, x]],
w, _ = np.linalg.eig(mat)
Eigens[i, y, x] = w
num = (Eigens[:, :, :, 0] - Eigens[:, :, :, 1])**2
den = (Eigens[:, :, :, 0] + Eigens[:, :, :, 1])**2
Coh10x10 = np.zeros_like(num)
Coh10x10[den!=0] = num[den!=0] / den[den!=0]
meanCoh10x10 = np.mean(Coh10x10)
# step 3: global motion
mode10x10 = np.zeros((motion_vectors.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
mean10x10 = np.zeros((motion_vectors.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(motion_vectors.shape[0]):
motion_frame = motion_vectors[i]
motion_amplitude = np.sqrt(motion_vectors[i, :, :, 0]**2 + motion_vectors[i, :, :, 1]**2)
mode10x10[i] = scipy.stats.mode(motion_amplitude, axis=None)[0]
mean10x10[i] = np.mean(motion_amplitude)
motion_diff = np.abs(mode10x10 - mean10x10)
G = np.mean(motion_diff) / (1 + np.mean(mode10x10))
return np.array([meanCoh10x10, G])
def _extract_subband_feats(mscncoefs):
# alpha_m, = extract_ggd_features(mscncoefs)
alpha_m, N, bl, br, lsq, rsq = aggd_features(mscncoefs.copy())
pps1, pps2, pps3, pps4 = paired_product(mscncoefs)
alpha1, N1, bl1, br1, lsq1, rsq1 = aggd_features(pps1)
alpha2, N2, bl2, br2, lsq2, rsq2 = aggd_features(pps2)
alpha3, N3, bl3, br3, lsq3, rsq3 = aggd_features(pps3)
alpha4, N4, bl4, br4, lsq4, rsq4 = aggd_features(pps4)
# print bl1, br1
# print bl2, br2
# print bl3, br3
# print bl4, br4
# exit(0)
return np.array([alpha_m, (bl+br)/2.0]), np.array([
alpha1, N1, bl1, br1, # (V)
alpha2, N2, bl2, br2, # (H)
alpha3, N3, bl3, br3, # (D1)
alpha4, N4, bl4, br4, # (D2)
def extract_on_patches(img, blocksizerow, blocksizecol):
h, w = img.shape
blocksizerow =
blocksizecol =
patches = []
for j in range(0,,
for i in range(0,,
patch = img[j:j+blocksizerow, i:i+blocksizecol]
patches = np.array(patches)
patch_features = []
for p in patches:
mscn_features, pp_features = _extract_subband_feats(p)
patch_features.append(np.hstack((mscn_features, pp_features)))
patch_features = np.array(patch_features)
return patch_features
def computequality(img, blocksizerow, blocksizecol, mu_prisparam, cov_prisparam):
img = img[:, :, 0]
h, w = img.shape
if (h < blocksizerow) or (w < blocksizecol):
print("Input frame is too small")
# ensure that the patch divides evenly into img
hoffset = (h % blocksizerow)
woffset = (w % blocksizecol)
if hoffset > 0:
img = img[:-hoffset, :]
if woffset > 0:
img = img[:, :-woffset]
img = img.astype(np.float32)
img2 = scipy.misc.imresize(img, 0.5, interp='bicubic', mode='F')
mscn1, var, mu = compute_image_mscn_transform(img, extend_mode='nearest')
mscn1 = mscn1.astype(np.float32)
mscn2, _, _ = compute_image_mscn_transform(img2, extend_mode='nearest')
mscn2 = mscn2.astype(np.float32)
feats_lvl1 = extract_on_patches(mscn1, blocksizerow, blocksizecol)
feats_lvl2 = extract_on_patches(mscn2, blocksizerow/2, blocksizecol/2)
# stack the scale features
feats = np.hstack((feats_lvl1, feats_lvl2))# feats_lvl3))
mu_distparam = np.mean(feats, axis=0)
cov_distparam = np.cov(feats.T)
invcov_param = np.linalg.pinv((cov_prisparam + cov_distparam)/2)
xd = mu_prisparam - mu_distparam
quality = np.sqrt(, invcov_param), xd.T))[0][0]
return np.hstack((mu_distparam, [quality]))
def compute_niqe_features(frames):
blocksizerow = 96
blocksizecol = 96
T, M, N, C = frames.shape
assert ((M >= blocksizerow*2) & (N >= blocksizecol*2)), "Video too small for NIQE extraction"
module_path = dirname(__file__)
params =, 'data', 'frames_modelparameters.mat'))
mu_prisparam = params['mu_prisparam']
cov_prisparam = params['cov_prisparam']
niqe_features = np.zeros((frames.shape[0]-10, 37))
idx = 0
for i in range(5, frames.shape[0]-5):
niqe_features[idx] = computequality(frames[i], blocksizerow, blocksizecol, mu_prisparam, cov_prisparam)
idx += 1
niqe_features = np.mean(niqe_features, axis=0)
return niqe_features
def temporal_dc_variation_feature_extraction(frames):
frames = frames.astype(np.float32)
ih =[1]/mbsize)*mbsize
iw =[2]/mbsize)*mbsize
# step 1: motion vector calculation
motion_vectors = blockMotion(frames, method='N3SS', mbSize=mblock, p=7)
# step 2: compensated temporal dct differences
dct_motion_comp_diff = np.zeros((motion_vectors.shape[0], motion_vectors.shape[1], motion_vectors.shape[2]), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(motion_vectors.shape[0]):
for y in range(motion_vectors.shape[1]):
for x in range(motion_vectors.shape[2]):
patchP = frames[i+1, y*mblock:(y+1)*mblock, x*mblock:(x+1)*mblock, 0].astype(np.float32)
patchI = frames[i, y*mblock+motion_vectors[i, y, x, 0]:(y+1)*mblock+motion_vectors[i, y, x, 0], x*mblock+motion_vectors[i, y, x, 1]:(x+1)*mblock+motion_vectors[i, y, x, 1], 0].astype(np.float32)
diff = patchP - patchI
t = scipy.fftpack.dct(scipy.fftpack.dct(diff, axis=1, norm='ortho'), axis=0, norm='ortho')
#dct_motion_comp_diff[i, y*mblock:(y+1)*mblock, x*mblock:(x+1)*mblock] = t
dct_motion_comp_diff[i, y, x] = t[0, 0]
dct_motion_comp_diff = dct_motion_comp_diff.reshape(motion_vectors.shape[0], -1)
std_dc = np.std(dct_motion_comp_diff, axis=1)
dt_dc_temp = np.abs(std_dc[1:] - std_dc[:-1])
dt_dc_measure1 = np.mean(dt_dc_temp)
return np.array([dt_dc_measure1])
def NSS_spectral_ratios_feature_extraction(frames):
def zigzag(data):
nrows, ncols = data.shape
d=sum([list(data[::-1,:].diagonal(i)[::(i+nrows+1)%2*-2+1])for i in range(-nrows,nrows+len(data[0]))], [])
return np.array(d)
# step 1: compute local dct frame differences
dct_diff5x5 = np.zeros((frames.shape[0]-1,[1]/mblock),[2]/mblock),mblock**2), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(dct_diff5x5.shape[0]):
for y in range(dct_diff5x5.shape[1]):
for x in range(dct_diff5x5.shape[2]):
diff = frames[i+1, y*mblock:(y+1)*mblock, x*mblock:(x+1)*mblock].astype(np.float32) - frames[i, y*mblock:(y+1)*mblock, x*mblock:(x+1)*mblock].astype(np.float32)
t = scipy.fftpack.dct(scipy.fftpack.dct(diff, axis=1, norm='ortho'), axis=0, norm='ortho')
dct_diff5x5[i, y, x] = t.ravel()
dct_diff5x5 = dct_diff5x5.reshape(dct_diff5x5.shape[0],dct_diff5x5.shape[1] * dct_diff5x5.shape[2], -1)
# step 2: compute gamma
g = np.arange(0.03, 10+0.001, 0.001)
r = (scipy.special.gamma(1/g) * scipy.special.gamma(3/g)) / (scipy.special.gamma(2/g)**2)
gamma_matrix = np.zeros((dct_diff5x5.shape[0], mblock**2), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(dct_diff5x5.shape[0]):
for s in range(mblock**2):
temp = dct_diff5x5[i, :, s]
mean_gauss = np.mean(temp)
var_gauss = np.var(temp, ddof=1)
mean_abs = np.mean(np.abs(temp - mean_gauss))**2
rho = var_gauss/(mean_abs + 1e-7)
gamma_gauss = 11
for x in range(len(g)-1):
if (rho <= r[x]) and (rho > r[x+1]):
gamma_gauss = g[x]
gamma_matrix[i, s] = gamma_gauss
gamma_matrix = gamma_matrix.reshape(dct_diff5x5.shape[0], mblock, mblock)
#zigzag = lambda N,w,h:[N[i*w+s-i]for s in range(w+h+1)for i in range(h)[::s%2*2-1]if-1<s-i<w]
freq_bands = np.zeros((dct_diff5x5.shape[0], mblock**2))
for i in range(dct_diff5x5.shape[0]):
freq_bands[i] = zigzag(gamma_matrix[i])
lf_gamma5x5 = freq_bands[:,**2-1)/3)+1]
mf_gamma5x5 = freq_bands[:,**2-1)/3)+1:2***2-1)/3)+1]
hf_gamma5x5 = freq_bands[:,*(mblock**2-1)/3)+1:]
geomean_lf_gam = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(lf_gamma5x5.T)
geomean_mf_gam = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(mf_gamma5x5.T)
geomean_hf_gam = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(hf_gamma5x5.T)
geo_high_ratio = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(geomean_hf_gam/(0.1 + (geomean_mf_gam + geomean_lf_gam)/2))
geo_low_ratio = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(geomean_mf_gam/(0.1 + geomean_lf_gam))
geo_HL_ratio = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(geomean_hf_gam/(0.1 + geomean_lf_gam))
geo_HM_ratio = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(geomean_hf_gam/(0.1 + geomean_mf_gam))
geo_hh_ratio = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(((geomean_hf_gam + geomean_mf_gam)/2)/(0.1 + geomean_lf_gam))
mean_dc = np.mean(dct_diff5x5[:, :, 0], axis=1)
dt_dc_measure2 = np.mean(np.abs(mean_dc[1:] - mean_dc[:-1]))
return np.array([dt_dc_measure2, geo_HL_ratio, geo_HM_ratio, geo_hh_ratio, geo_high_ratio, geo_low_ratio])
[docs]def videobliinds_features(videoData):
"""Computes Video Bliinds features. [#f1]_
Since this is a referenceless quality algorithm, only 1 video is needed. This function
provides the raw features used by the algorithm.
videoData : ndarray
Reference video, ndarray of dimension (T, M, N, C), (T, M, N), (M, N, C), or (M, N),
where T is the number of frames, M is the height, N is width,
and C is number of channels.
features : ndarray, shape (46,)
| The individual features of the algorithm. The features are arranged as follows:
| features[:36] : spatial niqe vector averaged over the video, shape (36,)
| features[36] : niqe naturalness score, shape (1,)
| features[37:39] : DC measurements between frames, shape (2,)
| features[39:44] : Natural Video Statistics, shape (5,)
| features[44] : Motion coherence, shape (1,)
| features[45] : Global motion, shape (1,)
.. [#f1] M. Saad and A.C. Bovik, "Blind prediction of natural video quality" IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, December 2013.
videoData = vshape(videoData)
T, M, N, C = videoData.shape
assert C == 1, "videobliinds called with video having %d channels. Please supply only the luminance channel." % (C,)
dt_dc_measure1 = temporal_dc_variation_feature_extraction(videoData)
spectral_features = NSS_spectral_ratios_feature_extraction(videoData)
temporal_features = motion_feature_extraction(videoData)
niqe_features = compute_niqe_features(videoData)
features = np.hstack((
return features