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import subprocess as sp

from ..utils import *
from .. import _AVCONV_PATH
import json

[docs]def avprobe(filename): """get metadata by using avprobe Checks the output of avprobe on the desired video file. MetaData is then parsed into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- filename : string Path to the video file Returns ------- metaDict : dict Dictionary containing all header-based information about the passed-in source video. """ # check if FFMPEG exists in the path assert _HAS_AVCONV, "Cannot find installation of avprobe." assert int(_LIBAV_MAJOR_VERSION) >= 10, "Version of libav (" + str(_LIBAV_MAJOR_VERSION) +") < 9. Please update libav or use ffmpeg." try: command = [_AVCONV_PATH + "/" + _AVPROBE_APPLICATION, "-v", "error", "-show_streams", "-of", "json", filename] # simply get std output jsonstr = check_output(command) probedict = json.loads(jsonstr.decode()) d = probedict["streams"] # check type streamsbytype = {} if type(d) is list: # go through streams for stream in d: streamsbytype[stream["codec_type"].lower()] = stream else: streamsbytype[d["codec_type"].lower()] = d return streamsbytype except: return {}