Module code >> skvideo
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Source code for skvideo

__version__ = "1.1.11"

from .utils import check_output, where
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np

# Run a program-based check to see if all install
# requirements have been met. 
# Sets environment variables based on programs
# found.

def which(command):
  candidates = where(command)
  if len(candidates) > 0:
    return os.path.split(candidates[0])[0]
    return ""

# only ffprobe exists with ffmpeg
_FFMPEG_PATH = which("ffprobe")

# only avprobe exists with libav
_AVCONV_PATH = which("avprobe")

_MEDIAINFO_PATH = which("mediainfo")





# Windows compat
if == "nt":

def scan_ffmpeg():
        # grab program version string
        version = check_output([os.path.join(_FFMPEG_PATH, _FFMPEG_APPLICATION), "-version"])
        # only parse the first line returned
        firstline = version.split(b'\n')[0]

        # the 3rd element in this line is the version number
        version = firstline.split(b' ')[2].strip()
        versionparts = version.split(b'.')
        if version[0] == b'N':
            # this is the 'git' version of FFmpeg
            _FFMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION = version
            _FFMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION = versionparts[0]
            _FFMPEG_MINOR_VERSION = versionparts[1]
            if len(versionparts) > 2:
                _FFMPEG_PATCH_VERSION = versionparts[2]

    # decoders = []
    # encoders = []

    # try:
    #     extension_lst = check_output([_FFMPEG_PATH + "/ffmpeg", "-formats"])
    #     extension_lst = extension_lst.split(b'\n')
    #     # skip first line
    #     for item in extension_lst[4:]:
    #         parts = [x.strip() for x in item.split(b' ') if x]
    #         if len(parts) < 2:
    #             continue
    #         rule = parts[0]
    #         extension = parts[1]
    #         if b'D' in rule:
    #             for item in extension.split(b","):
    #                 decoders.append(item)
    #         if b'E' in rule:
    #             for item in extension.split(b","):
    #                 encoders.append(item)
    # except:
    #     pass

    # try:
    #     for enc in encoders:
    #         extension_lst = check_output([_FFMPEG_PATH + "/ffmpeg", "-v", "1", "-h", "muxer="+str(enc)])
    #         csvstring = ""
    #         for line in extension_lst.split('\n'):
    #             if "Common extensions:" in line:
    #                 csvstring = line.replace("Common extensions:", "").replace(".", "").strip()
    #                 break
    #         if csvstring == "":
    #             continue
    #         csvlist = csvstring.split(',')
    #         for listitem in csvlist:
    #             _FFMPEG_SUPPORTED_ENCODERS.append(b"." + listitem)
    #     for enc in encoders:
    #         extension_lst = check_output([_FFMPEG_PATH + "/ffmpeg", "-v", "1", "-h", "demuxer="+str(enc)])
    #         csvstring = ""
    #         for line in extension_lst.split('\n'):
    #             if "Common extensions:" in line:
    #                 csvstring = line.replace("Common extensions:", "").replace(".", "").strip()
    #                 break
    #         if csvstring == "":
    #             continue
    #         csvlist = csvstring.split(',')
    #         for listitem in csvlist:
    #             _FFMPEG_SUPPORTED_ENCODERS.append(b"." + listitem)

    # except:
    #     pass

    # try:
    #     for dec in decoders:
    #         extension_lst = check_output([_FFMPEG_PATH + "/ffmpeg", "-v", "1", "-h", "muxer="+str(dec)])
    #         csvstring = ""
    #         for line in extension_lst.split('\n'):
    #             if "Common extensions:" in line:
    #                 csvstring = line.replace("Common extensions:", "").replace(".", "").strip()
    #                 break
    #         if csvstring == "":
    #             continue
    #         csvlist = csvstring.split(',')
    #         for listitem in csvlist:
    #             _FFMPEG_SUPPORTED_DECODERS.append(b"." + listitem)
    #     for dec in decoders:
    #         extension_lst = check_output([_FFMPEG_PATH + "/ffmpeg", "-v", "1", "-h", "demuxer="+str(dec)])
    #         csvstring = ""
    #         for line in extension_lst.split('\n'):
    #             if "Common extensions:" in line:
    #                 csvstring = line.replace("Common extensions:", "").replace(".", "").strip()
    #                 break
    #         if csvstring == "":
    #             continue
    #         csvlist = csvstring.split(',')
    #         for listitem in csvlist:
    #             _FFMPEG_SUPPORTED_DECODERS.append(b"." + listitem)

    # except:
    #     pass

    # by running the above code block, the bottom arrays are populated
    # output staticly provided for speed concerns
        b'.264', b'.265', b'.302', b'.3g2', b'.3gp', b'.722', b'.aa', b'.aa3', b'.aac', b'.ac3',
        b'.acm', b'.adf', b'.adp', b'.ads', b'.adx', b'.aea', b'.afc', b'.aif', b'.aifc', b'.aiff',
        b'.al', b'.amr', b'.ans', b'.ape', b'.apl', b'.apng', b'.aqt', b'.art', b'.asc', b'.asf',
        b'.ass', b'.ast', b'.au', b'.avc', b'.avi', b'.avr', b'.bcstm', b'.bfstm', b'.bin', b'.bit',
        b'.bmp', b'.bmv', b'.brstm', b'.caf', b'.cavs', b'.cdata', b'.cdg', b'.cdxl', b'.cgi',
        b'.cif', b'.daud', b'.dif', b'.diz', b'.dnxhd', b'.dpx', b'.drc', b'.dss', b'.dtk', b'.dts',
        b'.dtshd', b'.dv', b'.eac3', b'.fap', b'.ffm', b'.ffmeta', b'.flac', b'.flm', b'.flv',
        b'.fsb', b'.g722', b'.g723_1', b'.g729', b'.genh', b'.gif', b'.gsm', b'.gxf', b'.h261',
        b'.h263', b'.h264', b'.h265', b'.h26l', b'.hevc', b'.ice', b'.ico', b'.idf', b'.idx', b'.im1',
        b'.im24', b'.im8', b'.ircam', b'.ivf', b'.ivr', b'.j2c', b'.j2k', b'.jls', b'.jp2', b'.jpeg',
        b'.jpg', b'.js', b'.jss', b'.lbc', b'.ljpg', b'.lrc', b'.lvf', b'.m2a', b'.m2t', b'.m2ts',
        b'.m3u8', b'.m4a', b'.m4v', b'.mac', b'.mj2', b'.mjpeg', b'.mjpg', b'.mk3d', b'.mka', b'.mks',
        b'.mkv', b'.mlp', b'.mmf', b'.mov', b'.mp2', b'.mp3', b'.mp4', b'.mpa', b'.mpc', b'.mpeg',
        b'.mpg', b'.mpl2', b'.mpo', b'.msf', b'.mts', b'.mvi', b'.mxf', b'.mxg', b'.nfo', b'.nist',
        b'.nut', b'.ogg', b'.ogv', b'.oma', b'.omg', b'.paf', b'.pam', b'.pbm', b'.pcx', b'.pgm',
        b'.pgmyuv', b'.pix', b'.pjs', b'.png', b'.ppm', b'.pvf', b'.qcif', b'.ra', b'.ras', b'.rco',
        b'.rcv', b'.rgb', b'.rm', b'.roq', b'.rs', b'.rsd', b'.rso', b'.rt', b'.sami', b'.sb', b'.sbg',
        b'.sdr2', b'.sf', b'.sgi', b'.shn', b'.sln', b'.smi', b'.son', b'.sox', b'.spdif', b'.sph',
        b'.srt', b'.ss2', b'.ssa', b'.stl', b'.str', b'.sub', b'.sun', b'.sunras', b'.sup', b'.svag',
        b'.sw', b'.swf', b'.tak', b'.tco', b'.tga', b'.thd', b'.tif', b'.tiff', b'.ts', b'.tta',
        b'.txt', b'.ub', b'.ul', b'.uw', b'.v', b'.v210', b'.vag', b'.vb', b'.vc1', b'.viv', b'.voc',
        b'.vpk', b'.vqe', b'.vqf', b'.vql', b'.vt', b'.vtt', b'.w64', b'.wav', b'.webm', b'.wma',
        b'.wmv', b'.wtv', b'.wv', b'.xbm', b'.xface', b'.xl', b'.xml', b'.xvag', b'.xwd', b'.y',
        b'.y4m', b'.yop', b'.yuv', b'.yuv10',

        # extra extensions that are known container formats

        b'., A64', b'.264', b'.265', b'.302', b'.3g2', b'.3gp', b'.722', b'.a64', b'.aa3', b'.aac',
        b'.ac3', b'.adts', b'.adx', b'.afc', b'.aif', b'.aifc', b'.aiff', b'.al', b'.amr', b'.apng',
        b'.asf', b'.ass', b'.ast', b'.au', b'.avc', b'.avi', b'.bit', b'.bmp', b'.caf', b'.cavs',
        b'.chk', b'.cif', b'.daud', b'.dif', b'.dnxhd', b'.dpx', b'.drc', b'.dts', b'.dv', b'.dvd',
        b'.eac3', b'.f4v', b'.ffm', b'.ffmeta', b'.flac', b'.flm', b'.flv', b'.g722', b'.g723_1',
        b'.gif', b'.gxf', b'.h261', b'.h263', b'.h264', b'.h265', b'.h26l', b'.hevc', b'.ico',
        b'.im1', b'.im24', b'.im8', b'.ircam', b'.isma', b'.ismv', b'.ivf', b'.j2c', b'.j2k', b'.jls',
        b'.jp2', b'.jpeg', b'.jpg', b'.js', b'.jss', b'.latm', b'.lbc', b'.ljpg', b'.loas', b'.lrc',
        b'.m1v', b'.m2a', b'.m2t', b'.m2ts', b'.m2v', b'.m3u8', b'.m4a', b'.m4v', b'.mj2', b'.mjpeg',
        b'.mjpg', b'.mk3d', b'.mka', b'.mks', b'.mkv', b'.mlp', b'.mmf', b'.mov', b'.mp2', b'.mp3',
        b'.mp4', b'.mpa', b'.mpeg', b'.mpg', b'.mpo', b'.mts', b'.mxf', b'.nut', b'.oga', b'.ogg',
        b'.ogv', b'.oma', b'.omg', b'.opus', b'.pam', b'.pbm', b'.pcx', b'.pgm', b'.pgmyuv', b'.pix',
        b'.png', b'.ppm', b'.psp', b'.qcif', b'.ra', b'.ras', b'.rco', b'.rcv', b'.rgb', b'.rm',
        b'.roq', b'.rs', b'.rso', b'.sb', b'.sf', b'.sgi', b'.sox', b'.spdif', b'.spx', b'.srt',
        b'.ssa', b'.sub', b'.sun', b'.sunras', b'.sw', b'.swf', b'.tco', b'.tga', b'.thd', b'.tif',
        b'.tiff', b'.ts', b'.ub', b'.ul', b'.uw', b'.vc1', b'.vob', b'.voc', b'.vtt', b'.w64', b'.wav',
        b'.webm', b'.webp', b'.wma', b'.wmv', b'.wtv', b'.wv', b'.xbm', b'.xface', b'.xml', b'.xwd',
        b'.y', b'.y4m', b'.yuv',

        # extra extensions that are known container formats

def scan_libav():
        # grab program version string
        version = check_output([os.path.join(_AVCONV_PATH, _AVCONV_APPLICATION), "-version"])
        # only parse the first line returned
        firstline = version.split(b'\n')[0]

        firstlineparts = firstline.split(b' ')

        # in older versions, the second word is "version",
        # else the version number starts with "v"
        version = ""
        if firstlineparts[1].strip() == b"version":
            version = firstlineparts[2].split('.')[0]
            version = firstlineparts[1].split(b'-')[0]

        # check for underscore
        version = version.split(b'_')[0]
        versionparts = version.split(b'.')
        if versionparts[0].decode()[0] == 'v':
            _LIBAV_MAJOR_VERSION = versionparts[0].decode()[1:]
            _LIBAV_MAJOR_VERSION = str(versionparts[0].decode())
            _LIBAV_MINOR_VERSION = str(versionparts[1].decode())

if _MEDIAINFO_PATH is not None:

# allow library configuration checking
[docs]def getFFmpegPath(): """ Returns the path to the directory containing both ffmpeg and ffprobe """ return _FFMPEG_PATH
[docs]def getFFmpegVersion(): """ Returns the version of FFmpeg that is currently being used """ if _FFMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION[0] == 'N': return "%s" % (_FFMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION, ) else: return "%s.%s.%s" % (_FFMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION, _FFMPEG_MINOR_VERSION, _FFMPEG_PATCH_VERSION)
[docs]def setFFmpegPath(path): """ Sets up the path to the directory containing both ffmpeg and ffprobe Use this function for to specify specific system installs of FFmpeg. All calls to ffmpeg and ffprobe will use this path as a prefix. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to directory containing ffmpeg and ffprobe Returns ------- none """ global _FFMPEG_PATH global _HAS_FFMPEG _FFMPEG_PATH = path # check to see if the executables actually exist on these paths if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_FFMPEG_PATH, _FFMPEG_APPLICATION)) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_FFMPEG_PATH, _FFPROBE_APPLICATION)): _HAS_FFMPEG = 1 else: warnings.warn("ffmpeg/ffprobe not found in path: " + str(path), UserWarning) _HAS_FFMPEG = 0 global _FFMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION global _FFMPEG_MINOR_VERSION global _FFMPEG_PATCH_VERSION _FFMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION = "0" _FFMPEG_MINOR_VERSION = "0" _FFMPEG_PATCH_VERSION = "0" return # reload version from new path scan_ffmpeg()
[docs]def getLibAVPath(): """ Returns the path to the directory containing both avconv and avprobe """ return _AVCONV_PATH
[docs]def getLibAVVersion(): """ Returns the version of LibAV that is currently being used """ return "%s.%s" % (_LIBAV_MAJOR_VERSION, _LIBAV_MINOR_VERSION)
[docs]def setLibAVPath(path): """ Sets up the path to the directory containing both avconv and avprobe Use this function for to specify specific system installs of LibAV. All calls to avconv and avprobe will use this path as a prefix. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to directory containing avconv and avprobe Returns ------- none """ global _AVCONV_PATH global _HAS_AVCONV _AVCONV_PATH = path # check to see if the executables actually exist on these paths if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_AVCONV_PATH, _AVCONV_APPLICATION)) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_AVCONV_PATH, _AVPROBE_APPLICATION)): _HAS_AVCONV = 1 else: warnings.warn("avconv/avprobe not found in path: " + str(path), UserWarning) _HAS_AVCONV = 0 global _LIBAV_MAJOR_VERSION global _LIBAV_MINOR_VERSION _LIBAV_MAJOR_VERSION = "0" _LIBAV_MINOR_VERSION = "0" return # reload version from new path scan_libav()
if (len(_FFMPEG_PATH) > 0): setFFmpegPath(_FFMPEG_PATH) if (len(_AVCONV_PATH) > 0): setLibAVPath(_AVCONV_PATH) __all__ = [ getFFmpegPath, getFFmpegVersion, setFFmpegPath, getLibAVPath, getLibAVVersion, setLibAVPath, ]